Hello UPA future families, 

Here are some upcoming important dates and sign up links. 




1. NWEA Testing

NWEA Testing Closed 

To read more about NWEA, click here

*Your student has already been accepted into UPA. This test is solely to assess their present levels so we can accurately schedule them and offer other services. No acceptances can change as a result of this exam. *

2. Intake Interviews for 7th and 9th

May 10th 12:00 pm Zoom meeting 

8-11th: Our counselors will be in touch for scheduling

For 7th: 7th Course Request Form and Elective Description for Intake Interviews

3. Registration 

Due April 30th

For questions, please reach out to our registrar, Arica Clement at aricaclement@upatoday.com

4. 7th Grade Orientation

August 1st at UPA

Tentatively from 9am - 12pm

more information to come

5. First Day of School 

August 7th

Please check our Calendar and Bell Schedule Page for More information 

Other useful Information




Student and Family Handbook 

Please review our handbook for our dress code, academic policies, and attendance procedures.  


UPA is excited to partner with Sublime Silkscreen for our student uniform needs.  Orders are produced every two weeks, so please plan accordingly. 

Link (also (Also under Parents Tab)


UPA provides breakfast and lunch to all students. Please visit our Lunch Master Page on our website for more information

Summer Reading Novels

Summer reading novels will be ready for pick up the week of June 17th.

Summer Reading Assignment

Both novel PDF and audiobook links are also available here